Church Family,
As you know, we are planning a huge event for Friday night to celebrate the Reformation! Amy Drown and I are so excited to put this before our children (and our adults!). We have 30+ volunteers and close to 60 children expected to attend. I wanted to relay a few things to you so that you may be praying for us!
1. Pray. Please pray for the event on Friday, for all the volunteers, and for all the children coming by. We will have many who are not from our church, and we pray that God would be glorified and small nuggets of truth will be placed in the hearts of many little ones! There is so much to learn about our faith and church history through this type of event.
2. Donations. Many of you are donating desserts or candy. Drop those to the kitchen any day this week, Thursday evening from 7 to 9 pm, or Friday evening beginning at 5 pm. Feel free to drop it off during the event and STAY to enjoy it with us!
3. Set-up. Amy will send a more detailed email to the volunteers, but please know we are planning to set up at the church Thursday night, 7 to 9 pm or Friday, from 4:30 on.
4. ATTEND. We cordially invite all of you to come and go throughout the evening. It will be very festive! Here is the schedule:
6 to 8 pm Families to visit our marketplace, forest, church and castle-themed rooms and tables!
8 to 8:30 pm Short Lesson, Reformation Play, and Song in the Sanctuary
8:30 to 9 pm Dessert and fellowship in the Narthex and front patio
We would love to see many of you there! As always, I am thankful for a church family who supports the teaching and loving of our young families and children! May God be glorified in all that we do this week!
In Him,