Sermon Preview
Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
In Genesis 3:15 we discover some great news for sinners, for those who have suffered the distortion of the original “image and likeness” of God in which we were all created. In fact, this verse has been called ‘the first Gospel,’ and for good reason! Here is a promise that another human, a Son, will make an appearance on the stage of fallen human history. He too will be given explicit orders from God, along with a solemn mission to carry out faithfully for the glory of the Father. And also like Adam, He will be sorely tempted and tried.
But here is where things take a dramatic and wonderful turn!
In every way that Adam failed, this Second, or Last, Adam will gloriously succeed! He will love God. He will obey Him. He will fulfill the requirements laid upon the first Adam. And, as we will see this Sunday, He will be a true human! He will be a faithful bearer of the “image and likeness” of God!
And, as Genesis 3:15 promises, He will also destroy completely the kingdom of sin and death forever!
Here is, indeed, great news for those who, due to sin, have lost not only their way and their lives, but also their very humanity. For the Scripture declares that Jesus Himself, our blessed Lord and Redeemer, is the very “image” of God! And all who by grace through faith are “in Him” are made “new” (2 Corinthians 5:17)!
This is the grand subject that we will explore this coming Lord’s Day. We will discover how the damaged “image and likeness” of God is recovered and restored in our dear Savior.
And as you get ready for worship and the proclamation of the Word, let your minds meditate upon Genesis 3:6-24, and Colossians 1:13-23.
What a joy you are, and how wonderful it is to serve our Lord with you!
I love you all so much,
Counselor’s Corner:
Upcoming Events:
October 1, 9 AM – Senior Fellow Breakfast
October 1, 9 AM – Mother’s Morning Bible Study
October 1, 11:15 AM – Senior Fellows Team B lunch feeding at Downtown Rescue Mission (DRM)
October 1, 6 PM – Women’s Evening Bible Study
October 2, 10 AM – Women’s Morning Bible Study
October 3, 11:30 AM – Women’s Potluck Lunch at Timbers Edge Clubhouse
October 6, 4:30 PM – Middle and High School Youth Study
October 11, 11:15 AM – Senior Fellows Team A lunch feeding at DRM
October 13, 12 PM – Second Sunday Fellowship Lunch
October 15, 10 AM – Bags of Blessings Food Pickup at Sam’s
October 17, 6 PM – Women’s Potluck Dinner at home of Carol Calvert
October 22, 12 PM – Senior Fellows Visit to Lynchburg, TN (arrive Miss Bobo’s Restaurant 12:45 PM)
Order of Worship:
You can access this week’s Order of Worship by clicking here
If you’d like to sing the songs with your family beforehand, the songs for this week are:
Be Unto Your Name
And Can It Be – Hymn 455, vs. 1, 5
In Need
Before the Throne
Children’s Ministry Notes:
For anyone who would like to volunteer in our baby nursery, our Fall semester sign-up is now live. Please click HERE and sign up for a couple of dates for the fall and winter months. Older teens are welcome to serve as well!
Moms are welcome to join us in our Tuesday morning bible study on Contentment. We have a great group – and childcare is provided! Please email Amy Schnorrenberg to be involved. Visitors welcome!
Save the date for the Reformation Celebration on Sunday, October 27th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. We are partnering with Cornerstone Pres to make this a really exciting event and get to hang out with our PCA neighbors! See our event page for the Save the Date. Our volunteer sign-up is LIVE. Click HERE and volunteer to man a “table.” Man of you did this last time, and it is very easy and fun. Amy Drown can provide some direction, but please go ahead and add your name to our volunteer list. Thank you!
The CARE Center:
The CARE Center in New Hope is seeking volunteers to serve as school day tutors and/or Lunch Buddies. If you would like more information, please contact Norman Dean or Molly Mullinax at
Bags of Blessings:
Our church has volunteered to help October 15th with the Bags of Blessings ministry at the Care Center in New Hope. Packing begins at 6:00 PM and lasts around 1.5 hours. We need 25-30 volunteers. Sign up in the Narthex. Contact Norman Dean if you would like more information.
RUF Snacks:
It is time for sign up for our church help with the large group snacks for RUF (Reformed University Fellowship) UAH October. There will be a sign up list in the narthex with the items needed so look for the UAH logo on the table there. Judi Fikes will be there to answer any questions you may have. We will collect the items Sunday morning October 6…to be brought over to the campus the next Monday evening. They appreciate this so much. Our participation is part of our support for this ministry.
Second Sunday Lunches:
Women’s Fellowship Opportunities:
The women will continue their “First Thursday” monthly luncheons on October 3. They start at 11:30 am at Timbers’ Edge Clubhouse. The November luncheon will be on the 7th. There will not be a Thursday Luncheon in December.
Our quarterly potluck is on Thursday, October 17th, at 6 pm at the home of Carol Calvert. Anyone is welcome. Bring a dish to share if you are able! Or drop in last minute for fellowship.
The Christmas Brunch for the weekly bible studies is December 4th.
The annual Ladies’ Christmas Dinner is Tuesday, December 10th, at 6 pm at Huntsville Country Club.
Mark your calendars for these fellowship opportunities. Contact Denise Scrip for any questions.
Senior Fellows:
Here is a list of Senior Fellows events for October:
Oct 1 – 9 AM Breakfast
Oct 1 – 11:15 AM Team B lunch feeding at Downtown Rescue Mission (DRM)
Oct 11 – 11:15 AM Team A lunch feeding at DRM
Oct 15 – 10 AM Bags of Blessings Food Pickup at Sam’s
Oct 22 – Visit to Lynchburg, TN (arrive Miss Bobo’s Restaurant 12:45 PM)
New Member’s and Inquirer’s Class:
The next class will be held Sunday September 29, from 2-6 PM with dinner following. It is for all who are interested in Church membership at CPC. Taking the class does not obligate you to join, but is required for membership. Sign up in the Narthex. Childcare provided (include that on the sign-up).
Roots Retreat:
Check this space for updates on the upcoming youth retreat for the teens in our presbytery. The Roots Retreat will be January 24-26, 2020. This year’s guest speaker is Daniel Hightower. Daniel is the RUF campus minister at Jacksonville State University (and former Youth Director at Grace Presbyterian Church in Fort Payne).
Prayer Requests:
Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Steve Terry, John Baxter, Bill Cowley, Larrabee Kirkland, Chris Smotherman, Elizabeth Holton, Janet Chou, Ramona Edwards, and Nolan Osmer.
Expecting: Please pray for the Thoms, expecting in November, and the Brackins, expecting in March.
Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries: Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland); Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand); Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH); RUF at Alabama A&M; Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA).
general inquiries:
benevolence needs:
counsel and ministry needs:
men’s ministry:
women’s ministry:
children’s ministry:
youth ministry:
senior fellows:
288 Old Highway 431
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763