Announcements – October 23 2020

Sermon Preview:

Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” John 12:21

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I remember one day, perhaps when I was about nine or ten years of age, I was standing before the mirror in my parent’s bathroom. And if I recall correctly, I was about to ‘practice shaving,’ just as I had seen my Dad perform this daily routine so many times. Just like Dad, I filled the basin with warm water, shook the can of shave cream, and began to apply it to my face (instead of a real razor, I was making use of a plastic picnic knife).

Then, as I looked back up at the mirror, I was startled to see Dad standing behind me. He was grinning ear-to-ear. And that’s when I noticed something: I looked just like him! That morning, I saw in myself his very reflection. I was, in that moment, a smaller version of my Father. There were differences, for sure. But the similarities were obvious to me even at such a young age.

If you had been there to witness that scene, your eyes also would have traveled from me, the smaller reflection, to my Dad, the larger reality.

Now, I bring all of this up because this is what we are dealing with in Hebrews 5:1-4.

The author of the Epistle is telling us all about Israel’s high priests, including their selection, calling, duties, and qualifications. But behind them, ‘in the mirror’ so to speak, is a much larger reality–our Lord Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest!

The Old Covenant priests look much like the Great High Priest in many ways. While there are significant differences, there is an obvious resemblance! And if we can look at them carefully, taking in all that Scripture tells us about their role and office, we will know more about the One who stands behind them!

As guided by this passage from Hebrews 5, we will be led to look carefully at Israel’s high priests, and then to gaze past them, to the greater Reality they foreshadow. Stated simply, if we want to understand Jesus and who is for us, we need to understand the Old Testament, especially its picture of Israel’s priests!

What a joy it will be to worship together this Lord’s Day, and to explore this inspired Word from our God! For we too, “ wish to see Jesus”!

I love you all, with all of my heart!



COVID-19 Message:

For those of you who are attending worship in person on Sunday morning, please practice social distancing as much as you are able and observe the pew markers so that we may keep a safe, 6-ft between families. During this time, we will not have nursery or fellowship time with food and drink. If any family member has been sick, or you have a pre-existing condition, please consider staying home and joining us by watching the recorded service when it is sent out. Masks are not required if you are maintaining social distance, but are welcome. We hope and pray that if you have any needs, you will let a staff member or deacon know so that we can serve you well during this trying time.

Church Work Day:

We will have Church Work Day 8 AM – Noon, Saturday, October 24. The purpose is to perform needed landscaping and cleaning at the Church and Church House. While doing this, we will have a great time of fellowship. We need the help of about 30 adults and teens to help with this job. We also need tools.
Please sign up in the narthex to help and bring needed tools or send sign up email to Joe Sims at:
We will maintain social distancing and provide sanitary snacks (packaged and bottled water).

Men’s Ministry:

Men’s book study of Calvin’s Institutes meets weekly on Tuesdays at 6:00-7:15 AM at Blue Plate on Governors Dr. All men are welcome to join us in building friendships as we discuss our lives in Christ at a practical level. If interested, please contact

Senior Fellows:

Senior Fellows meet once a month for in person breakfast and study, and we will continue their weekly Zoom studies on the other Tuesdays in the month. They are studying What is Reformed Theology. All are welcome. Please let us know if you will attend at:

Topics: Oct 27 – Total Depravity (Part 1)
Nov 3 – Total Depravity (Part 2)
Nov 10 – Unconditional Election
Nov 17 – Limited Atonement
Nov 24 – Irresistible Grace
Dec 1 – Perseverance of the Saints

Women’s Ministry:

Therefore, here is the Current information regarding our Bible Studies this Fall. The three studies will be listed below.

Tuesday Morning Study facilitated by Amy Schnorrenberg
Time: 9:30 am
Place: Christ Pres
Topic: Marriage
Speaker: Video series by Paul Tripp
Childcare: Will be provided and currently in the planning stages
Contact person: Amy Schnorrenberg

Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Time: 10am -1130am
Place: Christ Pres Fellowship Hall
Topic: Pilgrim’s Progress (Penguin Classics )
( book can order through for $10.79 )
Speaker: Video series by Derek Thomas (Ligonier Ministry)
Contact person: Mary Lee McKee

Wednesday Night Bible Study
Time: 6pm – 730pm
Place: Christ Pres Fellowship Hall
Topic: Pilgrim’s Progress (Penguin Classics)
( book can be ordered through for $10.79 )
Speaker: Video series by Derek Thomas (Ligonier Ministry)
Contact person: Denise Scrip

For the two Wednesday Women’s studies I am in the process of learning how to incorporate a Zoom Meeting process for those who don’t feel comfortable meeting in person but still want to participate. I will let you know if and when it becomes available.

Children’s Ministry:

Please help our young families by volunteering to serve in the toddler nursery on Sunday mornings from 10:15 to 11:30. We welcome any adult and teen over 12 (with an adult). We need lots of help! You may sign up HERE.
Remember, our baby nursery will remain closed through December.


Youth Group meets again on Sunday, October 25 at 4:30 at the Church house.

Church Work Day: We have been coordinating with Joe Sims regarding the church work day, which will be on Saturday, October 24th. We would love to see youth and their dads come on out and help! There is a good bit of work to be done in the upkeep of our church grounds. Please consider making this a service opportunity for you and your kids! Further information to follow regarding times and sign ups.

Youth Fellowship: All youth are invited to a fellowship Sunday evening, November 1st, hosted at the Drown’s house. We will have food as well as serve our church body by boxing up care packages for our college students. For questions, please contact Matthew Elliott at

College Care Packages: Consider serving our CPC college students by donating items to be packaged and mailed at the beginning of November. A donation box will be placed in the foyer of the church on the mornings of October 18th, 25th, and November 1st. Having approximately 25 college students, please brings items such as pre-packaged snack bars, candy, other snacks like cookies and brownies, encouragement cards, gift certificates for pizza and fast food/coffee, tissue packs, hand sanitizer, wipes, pens, snack packs of all sorts, Fall seasonal items, gum, hot chocolate, tea, microwave popcorn.


The young career/singles group meets every Sunday evening at 5:30 at the home of Jim and Sharon Daughtry, for a time of fellowship & spiritual encouragement. Other upcoming events include a bonfire on October 23rd at 6:00 at the home of Shay Huter, the Galaxy of Lights walking tour (dog-walk night) in November, & Winterlude concert in December. Details to follow.

Prayer Requests:

Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Lincoln Ely, Rich Bagdazian, Zig and Virdia Jastrebski, Ramona Edwards, Bill Dent, Jacky Haynes, Steve Terry, Bill Cowley, Larrabee Kirkland, Elizabeth Holton, and Nolan Osmer.
Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries: Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland); Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand); Noah and Karleigh Stephens (Thailand); Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH); Amos and Jessica Williams (RUF at Alabama A&M); Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA); Franky and Alaina Garcia (church plant in Canada); Dieter Paulson (church plant in Scottsboro, AL); Gannon Miles (seminary student); The Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center.

Online Donations:

If you would like to give to Christ Presbyterian, you can do so at the following link:


general inquiries:
benevolence needs:
counsel and ministry needs:
men’s ministry:
women’s ministry:
children’s ministry:
youth ministry:
senior fellows:


288 Old Highway 431
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763