“ But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the fragrance of Christ . . . .”2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (ESV)
My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It’s a stinky world out there for sure!
The other day I was discussing our current national situation with a brother in the Lord. He made the comment that after he has watched the evening news, or caught up with the latest headlines on the Internet, he feels the need to take a shower!
Perhaps you’ve felt that way too! To use the terms employed by the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians, there is an aroma of death that hovers over our world like a putrid fog.
Of course, it has been this way since the Garden of Eden. And from that time forward, the garbage pile of mankind’s sins against God has been inching higher and higher. And the stench emanating from that heap of depravity is ever more potent and nauseating. We’ve certainly made a big mess of things, and the smell of our rebellion gives us away despite our attempts to hide our sins from the One who is our Creator.
But, there is something else going on today that we need to wrap our hearts and minds around.
There is another smell, or “ fragrance” as Paul terms it, wafting upward and outward from this lost world. And the inspired Apostle defines this scent as, “ the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him [Christ] in every place.” And the surprising origin of this blessed aroma is the Bride of Christ as she exists in this world! That is, “ we are the fragrance of Christ” (v. 15).
With this amazing truth in view, we find today’s encouragement.
Our Heavenly Father is faithfully transforming our lives into the very image of His Son (v. 18). And as He does, there is something like a “ sweet aroma” (NASB) rising from us that stands in stark contrast to the stench of this old world. It’s as if the process of decay is being reversed by His sovereign grace at work in our hearts, and death is giving way to life more and more! In a greater way each and every day, we are giving off the “ fragrance” of our Savior’s life as the Spirit of God sanctifies us, replacing the death we once knew with the life we now have!
Although it may sound a bit crude to put it this way, the fact is that we are smelling more like Jesus each day! And with this holy aroma flowing from our lives, there is hope for the world!
We are living proof that life can come from death by the power of God’s saving grace experienced in His Beloved Son! We who were once dead and decaying are now alive in Him! Like Lazarus, the once overpowering odor of our spiritual death is being eradicated. And there remains only the pleasant aromatic evidence of eternal life in Christ!
Yes, our world is a stinky mess! It is a vast graveyard to be sure. But our Lord has placed us here in the middle of it in order that we might bear witness to the greatest miracle of all–death surrendering to life! And, as this passage suggests, our witness is not only with our mouths as we confess that Christ is Lord, it is also by means of our presence and daily service to our King as we simply give off the sweet “ fragrance” of life eternal!
So take courage in this! The Lord has you exactly where He wants you! And wherever you go today, and whatever you do, you are “ the sweet aroma” of the “ knowledge” of our Dear Savior! And even more, He is always leading you in triumph! You share His universal victory, and nothing can change that!
So, let’s go spray a little perfume for the glory of our King!
I love you all so dearly,