Announcements – August 27 2021

Sermon Preview:

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We’ve quickly arrived at the last two weeks of our series of messages on Romans 12. This Lord’s Day we will give consideration to verses 14, 17 and 19 which set forth one of the most significant signs of a mind that has transformed and renewed by the grace and mercy of God. This beautiful and Christ-like mark of distinction can be summarized as the virtue of non-retaliation in personal relationships.

With verse 14, the Apostle Paul moves from a discussion of brotherly love within the Church (vv. 9-13) to the subject of the Church’s relationship with her enemies.
And what is written here is as remarkable as it is fully inspired by God!

This Lord’s Day we will begin to probe what it means to “ bless” our persecutors and those who are the enemies of the Gospel.

I hope you will join me in prayer as we come before our Father in worship and in the study of His Holy Word on Sunday.

I love you all!



Youth Group:

Ultimate Night
I simply wanted to remind you that our last event of the summer (or first event of the Fall) will be on Sunday, August 29th. Originally slated as a geo-caching scavenger hunt, due to some logistical issues, we will resort to some fun fellowship around the frisbee with some ultimate followed by some pizza. Think you can hang with your kids and a disc? Come play with us and show us what you got! We will hang out from 4:30 to 6, eating around 5:30.

As a reminder, our first night of youth group for the Fall will be on September 12!

We look forward to seeing everyone then!

Fall Youth Calendar

August 29th – Ultimate and Pizza
September 12th – Youth Group
September 19th – Youth Group
September 26th – Youth Group
October 3rd – Cookout and College Care Packages
October 17th – Youth Group
October 24th – Youth Group
November 7th – Youth Group
November 21st – Youth Group
December 5th – Youth Group
December 12th – Christmas Party

*All dates are Sunday evenings. Youth group is from 4:30 to 6:30.

Sunday School
Youth Sunday school will meet at the church house each Sunday morning. The middle school will meet downstairs and the high schoolers will meet upstairs.

How can I help with youth this Fall?

1 – Middle Sunday School Teachers – I am still looking for several individuals (or couples) who might be willing to teach/facilitate our middle schoolers this school year. Are you interested in having an opportunity to teach and minister to our youth? You do not have to come up with the curriculum, just prepare and present. I aim to have several people share the teaching load so that it does not rest on one individual. Email if you are interested!

2 – Cookout and College Care Packages – We are looking for a family that might be willing to host our cookout and college care package night. The evening’s focus is on helping our youth learn to serve by helping those who have graduated and are away at school. We are in need of a home that could support a number of students and possibly have a bonfire (s’mores) and cookout. Let me know if you would be willing to open your home in this way!

3 – Additional Adult Supervision during Youth Nights – Some have expressed interest in being present with middle school during youth nights. I would love additional help for those evenings if you are a warm body and willing to be present for several youth meetings throughout the semester.

Take care …

Matthew K Elliott

Children’s Ministry:

We are now gearing up for fall programming at CPC!

We are looking for preK to 5th grade Sunday school teachers for fall. Please email Ashley to serve our children in this way. We can’t do it without support from the congregation!

Please register your children using the link below. This will allow us to see how to divide up our classes and how many volunteers we need.

Fall Programming Registration 2021

We have also updated the nursery volunteer sign up through the end of the year. As a reminder, we invite any Christ Pres woman, teenage and up, to serve our families with young children by volunteering in the nursery on Sunday mornings. Please consider helping us fill this need and see the sign up genius link below for further details. This is a huge blessing to our young families and a great opportunity for our church body to invest in the lives of our little ones.

Senior Fellows:

On Tuesday, September 7 at 9:00 AM the Senior Fellows will enjoy breakfast, fellowship and a devotional at the Church. Starting at 10 AM, Pastor Mike will lead a discussion on Issues Facing the PCA. Members and visitors are also invited to the discussion and breakfast. Please email us at if you plan to join us for breakfast.

Women’s Ministry:

Monthly Lunch: Our next monthly luncheon will be on September 2 beginning at 11:30 at the Timbers Edge Clubhouse located at 1 Timbers Main, Brownsboro. It’s potluck – feel free to bring a dish or just yourself.

Fall Bible Studies:

The fall Bible studies will launch the week of September 6, meeting for 11 weeks through November 17.

The Tuesday study for mothers will be on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM. We will be watching a 10 week video series together by Nancy Guthrie on Saints and Scoundrels in the story of Jesus. I think it will be a very interesting study. You don’t have to purchase the book but if you would like to, here is the link.

We will of course have the most important group discussion and prayer time afterwards.

Let Amy Schnorrenberg know if you will be joining us and how many little ones you need nursery for.

The Wednesday studies will meet on Wednesdays at 10 AM and at 6 PM. I am thrilled to study the first 18 chapters of Exodus together, using the study guide God of Deliverance by Jen Wilkin. From the study promotion:

The exodus of the Israelites shapes our understanding of the whole Bible, its themes reverberating all the way to Revelation. Exodus is the birth narrative of a nation unmistakably guided by the Great Deliverer. In this 10-session verse-by-verse study of Exodus 1–18, Jen Wilkin shows us that Israel’s story is our story: the same God who delivered Israel also delivers all those He loves from slavery to sin and from service to the pharaohs of this world. He lifts our eyes to the promised land He has prepared where we dwell with I AM and worship Him as the one true God.

Please order your study guide before September 8. You may order from Lifeway ($15.99) and Amazon ($16.79). Click either link: Lifeway or Amazon. No preparation is required for the first meeting.

Lastly, please RSVP if you plan to participate in this study. You may email me at (for the morning study)

The skinny:
Wednesday Mornings from 10:00 – 11:30 am or Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30 pm in the fellowship room
First meeting: September 8
Order your book ASAP
RSVP to Mary Lee McKee
I PROMISE this will be an invigorating, worship-inspiring endeavor. I can’t wait! Thank you!


The weekly bible study and fellowship for career/singles meets at 5:30 PM Sunday evenings at the home of Jim and Sharon Daughtry.

Prayer Requests:

Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Elliott Dean, Suzanne Nimon, Lincoln Ely, Dave Angotti, Zig and Virdia Jastrebski, Ramona Edwards, Bill Dent, Jacky Haynes, Steve Terry, Bill Cowley, and Elizabeth Holton.
Expecting: Please pray for the Prinzingers, expecting in November.
Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries: Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland); Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand); Noah and Karleigh Stephens (Thailand); Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH); Amos and Jessica Williams (RUF at Alabama A&M); Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA); Franky and Alaina Garcia (church plant in Canada); Dieter Paulson (church plant in Scottsboro, AL); Gannon Miles (seminary student); The Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center.

Online Donations:

If you would like to give to Christ Presbyterian, you can do so at the following link:


general inquiries:
benevolence needs:
counsel and ministry needs:
men’s ministry:
women’s ministry:
children’s ministry:
youth ministry:
senior fellows:


288 Old Highway 431
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763