Sermon Preview:
New CPC Directory:
Church Center contains the new church directory, accessible by members only. Instant Church Directory will be closed on November 30th. The official CPC Calendar is located in Church Center.
Children’s Ministry:
Parents Night Out Christmas Edition on December 9th from 5:30-8:00pm for ages Birth – 5th grade. Register in the Church Center app. We need more volunteers, so please contact Ashley Turnbull if you are interested in serving at this event.
Christmas Gifts for Care Center:
Care Center Toy Need Description: We plan to serve about 150 children this year at our Christmas Shop; the majority are aged 10-17. Most children served through our Christmas Store include children approved through our Bags of Blessings ministry. We also help children whose families are experiencing some crisis (house fire, job loss, medical diagnosis, etc.). The Christmas Shop is set up in a way where no money is exchanged, the parents receive a voucher to come to the Christmas Shop, and it helps to protect the family’s dignity.
Here are some specifics that may help. We ask for new toy donations for our families:
– Family-friendly/children’s board games
– Fidget/sensory-friendly toys
– Headphones (no Bluetooth)
– Boy/neutral bikes ranging in size
– Boy items- Sports balls, Sports equipment(it is okay to include skateboards, fishing equipment, musical instruments such as guitars and harmonicas, etc. we serve high school students), outdoor toys, STEM kits, science experiments, Lego kits, remote/model cars, watches, boy hygiene/cologne kits,
– Girl/neutral bikes ranging in size
– Girl Items- Art kits/supplies, jewelry/ kits, nail kits, makeup kits, purses, Barbie/accessories, dolls/accessories, girl hygiene/perfume kits, Disney items,
– Always needed:
socks, clothes, Pajamas, books, blankets, hats/scarfs
*School backpacks are currently not a need. We also ask for no tablets, phones, computers, or electronic type devices.
Here is our Christmas amazon wish link if it is helpful –
Second Sunday Lunch:
We will have our monthly fellowship lunch December 11 immediately after church.
Youth Group:
Fall Sunday Night Youth Group
December 4th
December 11th (Christmas Party)
Sunday night youth group runs from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the church house!
Roots Retreat:
We wanted to invite our youth to the annual Providence Presbytery Roots retreat on January 20th-22nd. Roots provides Gospel-centered teaching, worship, and fellowship for the youth in our presbytery. The retreat will be at Camp ToKnowHim and will be attended by various youth from churches in our Presbytery.
We are needing to know if your child (or children) plan to attend so that we can know if we have enough of our students to send a group from CPC! Please review the information below and respond by clicking on the link provided below letting us know if you plan to attend. Please let us know by the 14th of December so that we can ensure everyone is registered and that we can acquire chaperones.
Where: Camp ToKnowHim
When: Friday, January 20th – Sunday, January 22nd
Cost: The cost of the retreat is $145 which includes lodging, meals, and t-shirt. If the cost of the retreat would prevent your child from attending, please let us know to see if we can provide financial assistance!
Speaker: The guest speaker is Austin Lennox, the Director of Youth Ministry at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Memphis, TN. The theme for this year is – You Are Not Your Own: Belonging to God in an Age of Self-Belonging.
Please click here to let us know you are coming!
Let me know if you have any questions. You can email Matthew at
Thank you!
College Care Packages:
As we draw closer to the holiday season, consider serving our CPC college students by donating items for student care packages. Items given will be packaged and will be mailed out to encourage our students toward the end of the Fall semester. A donation box will be placed in the foyer of the church on Sunday mornings beginning Sunday, October 16th. The last day to bring items to donate will be Sunday morning, November 20th.
Having approximately 25 college students, please brings items such as pre-packaged snack bars, candy, cookies, brownies, encouragement cards, gift certificates for pizza and fast food/coffee, tissue packs, hand sanitizer, wipes, pens, snack packs of all sorts, Fall seasonal items, gum, hot chocolate, tea, microwave popcorn, etc. These care packages will certainly be an encouragement to the students from their church family!
Do you have a college student? As addresses tend to change frequently in that stage of life, please send me their name and updated addresses so that we can have accurate information for our mailout! You may email them to Meghan Elliott at
Senior Fellows:
The Senior Fellows will have breakfast on December 6 at 9 AM at the church.
Women’s Ministry:
Bible Studies:
Mom’s Bible Study
Time: Tuesdays 9:30-11 am
Teacher: Amy Schnorrenberg
Location: Christ Pres Fellowship Hall
Morning Bible Study
Time: Wednesdays 10-1130 am
Teacher: Mike Calvert, our pastor
Topic/Book: Devoted To God by Sinclair Ferguson
Location: Christ Pres Fellowship Hall
Evening Bible Study
Time: Wednesdays 6-730 pm
Facilitator: Cynthia Keen
Topic/Book: In View of God’s Mercies: The Gift of the Gospel in Romans by Courtney Doctor
Location: Christ Pres Fellowship Hall
Monthly Lunch: Our next monthly luncheon will be on December 1 beginning at 11 AM at the Timbers Edge Clubhouse located at 1 Timbers Main, Brownsboro. It’s potluck – feel free to bring a dish or just yourself. If you have questions or transportation needs please contact Pat Galecki at 256-244-0612
Christmas Dinner:
Join us for food, fellowship, and fun with singing and a raffle. Get in touch with your creative side and make someone smile with a handmade item or store bought gift. Dec 8th, 6-8 pm. Huntsville Country Club. Cost: $15
Men’s Ministry:
Book Study:
There is a book study of Pilgrim’s Progress every Tuesday morning between 6:15 and 7:15 at the Cooper house in downtown Huntsville: 405 Randolph Ave SE, Huntsville, AL 35801. See Joseph Prinzinger for details.
Bible Study:
Men’s Friday Lunchtime Bible Study and Fellowship meets Fridays 11:30am-12:30pm at the Church. Will study Dr. Sinclair Ferguson’s book ‘Devoted to God’ for 10 weeks.
Career Group:
Our Sunday evening Bible study & fellowship meets at 5:30 PM at the home of Jim and Sharon Daughtry, 5726 Jones Valley Drive. To get on our mailing list for regular communications, please email Sharon at
Prayer Requests:
Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Collins Bailey, Ramona Edwards, Steve Terry, Bill Cowley, and Elizabeth Holton. Additional details may be found in the Ministries/Prayer Requests section of the church website.
Expecting: Please pray for the Elys (November); the Butlers (February).
Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries: Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland); Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand); Noah and Karleigh Stephens (Thailand); Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH); Marcus and Jessica Nobles (RUF at Alabama A&M); Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA); Franky and Alaina Garcia (church plant in Canada); Dieter Paulson (church plant in Scottsboro, AL); Gannon Miles (seminary student); The Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center.
Online Donations:
If you would like to give to Christ Presbyterian, you can do so by clicking HERE.
general inquiries:
benevolence needs:
counsel and ministry needs:
men’s ministry:
women’s ministry:
children’s ministry:
youth ministry:
senior fellows:
288 Old Highway 431
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763