RUF @UAH Support:March 12 is “Sign up Sunday” for RUF at Univ of Alabama Huntsville, likely the last opportunity this school year. Snacks collected March 19.
Second Sunday Lunch: We will have lunch in the fellowship hall immediately after worship April 2. Everyone is welcome!
Youth Group: The schedule for the Winter/Spring is as follows:
March 26th
April 2nd
April 16th
April 23rd
May 7th
May 21st (Class of 2023 Night)
VBS Save the Date: Mark your calendars for VBS 2023: The Race is On! June 12-15 9:00am-12:00pm. Please contact Anne Swanner ( if you are interested in serving at VBS this year.
Senior Fellows: The Senior Fellows will have breakfast on the first Tuesday of each month at 9 AM at the church.
Women’s Ministry Monthly Lunch: Our next monthly luncheon will be the first Thursday of each month at 11 AM at the Timbers Edge Clubhouse located at 1 Timbers Main, Brownsboro. It’s potluck – feel free to bring a dish or just yourself. If you have questions or transportation needs please contact Pat Galecki at 256-244-0612
Women’s Ministry Bible Studies: There are three ongoing bible studies.
Tuesday Morning Study:
Time: 9:30-11 am
Location: Christ Pres Fellowship Hall
Teacher: Amy Schnorrenberg
Wednesday Morning Study:
Time: 10-1130 am
Location: Christ Pres Fellowship Hall
Topic: Book of Ephesians
Teacher: Mike Calvert
Book: The Bible
Material: Lesson handout sheets will be given out a week in advance
Wednesday Evening Study:
Time: 6-730 pm
Topic: The Messy Women in Jesus’ Genealogy
Facilitator: Cynthia Keen
Book: What’s She Doing Here by Susan Tyner can be ordered through for $16.99 +SH
Men’s Ministry:
Men’s Retreat (Save the Date)
Culinary Fellowship
We look forward to a men’s food and fellowship evening together towards the end of April or early May! This is a great event to simply meet other men from the church and enjoy some amazing food!
Friday Bible Study
Our men’s Friday Bible study runs Friday, January 13th through Friday, April 28th. Mike will be teaching on the book of Ephesians. While no book is required, John Stott’s commentary on Ephesians (The Bible Speaks Today Series) will be a helpful companion. The study runs from 11:30 to 12:30 each Friday.
Tuesday Bible Study
The men are currently studying a classic of the Christian faith, John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. For additional information, please contact Joseph Prinzinger at
Career Group: Sunday evening Bible study & fellowship meets at the home of Jim and Sharon Daughtry, 5726 Jones Valley Drive each Sunday at 5:30 PM.
Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Perry Calvert, Collins Bailey, Ramona Edwards, Steve Terry, Bill Cowley, and Elizabeth Holton. Additional details may be found in the Ministries/Prayer Requests section of the church website.
Expecting: Please pray for the Guytons (April).
Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries: Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland); Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand); Noah and Karleigh Stephens (Thailand); Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH); Marcus and Jessica Nobles (RUF at Alabama A&M); Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA); Franky and Alaina Garcia (church plant in Canada); Dieter Paulson (church plant in Scottsboro, AL); Gannon Miles (seminary student); The Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center.
Online Donations:
If you would like to give to Christ Presbyterian, you can do so by clicking HERE.
general inquiries:
benevolence needs:
counsel and ministry needs:
men’s ministry:
women’s ministry:
children’s ministry:
youth ministry:
senior fellows:
288 Old Highway 431
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763