Announcements – November 15, 2024

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
For the last couple of weeks, our Sunday sermons have been on the “new covenant” that both Ezekiel and Jeremiah preached and wrote about as instructed and inspired by the Lord.
This is the final and ultimate covenant that God has made with sinners. The “new covenant” is the one that brings the promise that God had made long ago to Abraham to its most glorious consummation in our Lord Jesus Christ.
You will remember that this amazing covenant, like that one made by God to king David, is unilateral, unfailing, and unconditional. The promise of the permanent possession of the land of Canaan made to Abraham, and the promise of an eternal kingdom overseen by a new Davidic king made to David, were Old Testament types and shadows of something much, much greater!  The New Testament makes it abundantly clear that these promises were given in anticipation of all that God the Father would do for sinners through His Only-Begotten Son!
We have identified six blessings of the “new covenant” which Ezekiel has set forth in Ezekiel 36:24-38.  Last Sunday we examined the first of these, and this coming Lord’s Day we will address the second and third blessings that we find in verses 25-26.
To whet your spiritual appetites, we might suggest that these next two blessings have to do with an antiseptic and a heart transplant.  I look forward eagerly to opening the Word of our Father together with each of you on Sunday!
You are my joy in Christ,


Church Cookbook – We are collecting favorite recipes in order to create a church-wide cookbook. Submit your recipes to Tina Alhorn by today, November 15th at

Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoeboxes This Sunday, November 17th is the last day to bring shoeboxes to the church for Samaritan’s Purse, or you may bring shoeboxes to Tina Alhorn by Monday. There is detailed information in the narthex with a sample shoebox.  For more information, contact Tina.

Thanksgiving Meals – If you are single or a couple who will not be with family for Thanksgiving, please contact Tina Alhorn. There are church families who would love for you to join them for Thanksgiving. Also, if you would like to host someone, contact Tina.

College Care Packages – Please consider serving our college students by donating items for student care packages. A donation bin is in the foyer of the church through Sunday, November 24th.

Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center – Christ Pres is collecting needed items for HPRC. There is a donation bin in the foyer of the church through Sunday, December 1st. Contact Tina Alhorn for more details. Immediate need items are: All boy clothing – all sizes (sleepers, onesies, pants, shorts, socks), baby towels and washcloth sets, bottle sets, baby bath and lotion (try Dollar Tree), and baby blankets.

Children’s Ministry – RSVP for Christmas caroling on December 18th. Please see email for details.

Women’s Ministry
• Save The Date – Women’s Ministry Christmas Dinner will be Tuesday, December 10th at the Cooper House downtown. Please RSVP using email sent this week.
• Family Forum – Fellowship and teaching for our moms with elementary-aged children and younger will be this coming Wednesday, November 20th from 6:30-8:30pm at the home of Leslie Jeffery.
• The ladies first Thursday luncheon will NOT meet on December 5th.  We will resume the luncheons in January.
• Tuesday morning study meets at 9:30am at the church (Childcare provided).
• Tuesday evening study meets at 6:00pm at the church.
• Wednesday morning study meets at 10:00am at the church.
Senior Sisters monthly meeting is on the third Thursday from 10-11:30am.
• Senior Sisters weekly exercise class meets Tuesdays at the church, 10:00 to 11:30am.

Men’s Ministry
• Men’s Devotion/Prayer meets at the office of Paul Matheny on Tuesdays at 6:30am. Please contact Adam Turnbull with questions.
• Men’s Friday Bible study meets 11:30am – 12:30pm studying The Revelation.
• Senior Fellows – Next breakfast will be at 9:00am on Tuesday, December 3rd.

Youth Ministry – The annual Providence Presbytery youth Roots retreat will be on January 24th – 26th at CampToKnowHim. Please contact Gannon Miles for details and registration.

Career Ministry – Bible study & fellowship meets at the home of Jim and Sharon Daughtry, Sundays at 7pm.

See for detailed news and upcoming events.


Care and Healing – Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Collins Bailey, Maurice Belrose, Bill Cowley, Amy Fortenberry, Ken Galecki (brother of Leon Galecki), Sonny Henry, Elizabeth Holton, Ned Nuwayhid, Joe Sims, and Steve Terry

Expecting – Please pray for the Bucks and Butlers due in April.

Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries:
Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland)
Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand)
Noah and Karleigh Stephens (Thailand)
Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH)
Marcus and Jessica Nobles (RUF at Alabama A&M)
Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA)
Franky and Alaina Garcia (church plant in Canada)
Dieter and Marty Paulson (church plant in Scottsboro, AL)
The Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center
Adam & Lisa Venable (Southside Presbyterian Church)