Announcements – September 4 2015

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,


On this coming Lord’s Day we will take our fourth and final look at the Fourth Commandment in the Decalogue. Having surveyed the Old Testament background of this Commandment and traced the development of the ‘Sabbath theme’ from creation to the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will now seek to apply this Commandment to the life and witness of the New Testament Church. Of primary concern to most of us is why the first Christians stopped observing the Sabbath, the seventh day, and met for their corporate worship on Sunday, the first day. What brought about such a drastic change? What is the connection, if any, between the Sabbath and Sunday? And do the Old Covenant restrictions of work on the seventh day still apply to the first day? Each of these questions is very important, and we must proceed with great care and prayer as we seek to answer them in light of the New Testament’s witness to Christ as the “end of the Law” (Romans 10:4).


As you pray and prepare your heart for Lord’s Day worship, take some time to meditate upon the words of our sermon text–Hebrews 3:12-4:11.   And thank you once again for your faithful prayers for the proclamation of God’s Word to His people.


Special Announcement for All Men


Our Thursday Morning Men’s Bible Study and Reading Club will resume this coming Thursday, September 10th at 6:30 AM at Little Paul’s BBQ on Madison Street (across from Huntsville Hospital). This fall we will be reading Spiritual Leadership, by J. Oswald Sanders (see link below). We meet every-other Thursday through December 17th. All men are invited to join us, and if you have any questions please contact me.


I love you all and can’t wait to see you on Sunday!




Link for Spiritual Leadership: