Summer Scripture Read-Along in Isaiah, Jeremiah, & Lamentations
HOW: Start in Isaiah on July 3. Read 3 chapters a day, Monday–Friday.
Take the weekend off to reflect, journal, or catch-up as needed.
Then, keep reading following the schedule below!
Read along with us, on your own time, no need to sign-up, just participate if you’re able.
We hope it will be a blessing to our ladies to be united in our devotion to God’s word through this read-along.
Here’s the breakdown:
July 3-7 read Isaiah 1-15
July 10-14 read Isaiah 16-30
July 17-21 read Isaiah 31-45
July 24-28 read Isaiah 46-60
July 31-Aug 1 read Isaiah 61- the end.
Wednesday–August 2 Break
Aug 3-4 Jeremiah 1-6
Aug 7-11 Jeremiah 7-21
Aug 14-18 Jeremiah 22-36
Aug 21-25 Jeremiah 37-50
August 28 Jeremiah 51-the end.
Tuesday–August 28 Break
Aug 30-31 read Lamentations 1-5
**Look for a chapter guide noted at the bottom of the church’s weekly emailed newsletter.
If you have questions, please email Denise Brown