Sermon Preview
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
This coming Lord’s Day we will be considering the fourth of the five theological affirmations of the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, ‘Christ Alone,’ or Solus Christus. When this slogan was sounded, the Reformers meant that the salvation of sinners is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in the work of Christ alone! In other words, they proclaimed that there is just one Savior of lost sinners, and that what He has done is fully sufficient to redeem them from the wages of their sins, and to provide eternal life forever in the presence of God!
Regarding this affirmation of the Reformation era, Dr. Michael Horton has written that:
“The Reformation was, more than anything else, an assault on faith in humanity, and a defense of the idea that God alone reveals Himself and saves us. We do not find Him; He finds us. That emphasis was the cause of the cry, ‘Christ alone!’ Jesus was the only way of knowing what God is really like, the only way of entering into a relationship with Him as father instead of judge, and the only way of being saved from His wrath” (From
This essential truth—that we are saved from the just wrath of God by His Son alone, our Lord Jesus Christ—is like each of the other four affirmations in that it needs to be recovered again and proclaimed with renewed conviction and emphasis today!
While there are many Scripture passages to which we could appeal to defend this truth of ‘Christ Alone,’ perhaps none is more moving and beautiful than our Lord’s teaching in John 10:1-18. You might immediately recognize this as the ‘Great Shepherd’ chapter, where Jesus sets forth His self-identity and defines His mission using the tender illustration of a shepherd’s care for his sheep. It is also here that we discover two of the “I AM” sayings of our Lord: “I am the door” (v. 7), and “I am the good shepherd” (v. 11). As we examine this passage we will see how Jesus, in His own words, emphatically teaches that He alone is the divine Son of God and Savior of the world.
I love you all, and can’t wait to worship our Lord and King with you on Sunday!
In His grace,
Upcoming Events:
October 22, 4:00 PM – Children’s Choir
October 22, 4:30 PM – Youth Group
October 23, 6:30 PM – Young Adult’s Study
October 24, 6 PM – Women’s Evening Study
October 25, 9:30 AM – Women’s Morning Study
October 25, 6 PM– Women’s Potluck Dinner
October 26, 6 AM– Men’s Morning Bible Study
October 27, 6 PM – Reformation Walk
October 28 – Church Work Day
October 31 – Senior Fellows Breakfast at the Church House
November 5 – Bryant Baby Shower
December 6 – Women’s Christmas Party
Order of Worship:
You can access this week’s Order of Worship by clicking here
The songs for this week are:
O Worship the King
How Sweet to Wait Upon the Lord
Amazing Grace
In Christ Alone
Meals for Robin Holloway: We have set up a meal schedule for the Holloway’s to help them while Robin is recovering. They are needing three meals a week, but we thought that one freezer meal a week on top of that would be helpful, so the SUNDAY sign up is for that freezer meal. If you would like to bring both a regular meal and a freezer meal please sign up for a Sunday as well as a regular meal scheduled on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. You can sign up using the link below. Thank you ahead of time for signing up and of course if you have any questions feel free call, text, or email me at
Women’s Bible Studies: There are two Fall Women’s Bible Studies going on, Tuesday evenings at 6PM and Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM. For more information about these or any other women’s ministries please contact Denise Scrip.
Youth Group: Youth Group will meet again on October 22 at 4:30PM at the church. All students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to attend, and please bring friends!
Alleluia Choir: The Children’s Choir (Grades 2-6) is now the Alleluia Choir, and they meet every Sunday 4:00-4:50 pm upstairs in the Church House. New choristers are always welcome!
Young Adults Study: Monday nights in October, there will be a Bible study for young adults at 6:30 PM at the home of John and Leslie Jeffery. The topic is “Humility.” This is open to anyone who considers themselves to be a young adult, single or married.
Women’s Fall Potluck: Hey there ladies, I want to invite you all to our Fall fellowship dinner. We always enjoy events like this as opportunities to get to know each other better in a more relaxed and casual setting.
The event is at the home of Isabel Rodriquez on October 25, 2017 at 6 PM. Her address is 14 Huntleigh Place, Gurley, AL 35748 A meal sign up is below.
The theme for this fun potluck is Welcoming Fall, so bring your favorite fall recipe! If you are unable to bring something, or all of the potluck signups have been filled come on anyways! Sweet Isabel will provide the paper produces, utensils, drinks, and coffee. Fall food and fellowship. Can’t wait!!!!
Reformation Walk: Christ Pres Children’s Ministry Team would like to invite your family to our Reformation Celebration on Friday, October 27th from 6 to 9 pm.
Senior Fellows: The Senior Fellows will have breakfast at the Church House at 9 AM on October 31. It’s Halloween, so come dressed as your favorite Senior Fellow.
Church Work Day: We will have a Church Workday Saturday, October 28, starting at 8 AM. The purpose is to perform needed maintenance including landscaping and cleaning at the Church and Church House. In doing this we will have a great time of fellowship. We need the help of about 20 -25 adults and teens to help with this job. We also need tools. Please sign up to help and to bring designated tools in the narthex starting Sun, Oct 1. We will provide a light breakfast (coffee and donuts) and snack food. We plan to finish around noon. If the weather is bad, our backup day will be Saturday, November 4.
Bryant Baby Shower: All women of the church are invited to a baby shower honoring Stephanie Bryant on Sunday, November 5th, from 2 to 4 pm, at the Timbers’ Edge Clubhouse. RSVP HERE.
Women’s Christmas Dinner: Save the date for the Women’s Christmas Dinner at the Monte Sano Lodge on December 6 at 6 PM.
Prayer Requests:
Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Robin Holloway, Chris Smotherman, Elizabeth Holton, Janet Chou, Ramona Edwards, Nolan Osmer, George Boyd, John Baxter, and Joyce Bosley
Expecting: Please pray for the Bryant family, expecting in December, the Townsley family, expecting in March, and the Staffords, expecting in April.
Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries: Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland); Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand); Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH); RUF at Alabama A&M; Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA); Franky Garcia (seminary student).