Ramona Edwards:
I have a poorly understood array of neurological problems and need prayers for wisdom and strength for the day-to-day struggle. Pray that we will find a doctor who can identify and treat the issues. Please pray for Bob as he cares for me.
Blessings in Christ,
Ramona Edwards
Steve Terry
I appreciate the faithfulness of all of the prayers offered up and God’s grace in answering them.
I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM) in September 2019. MM is a blood disease that attacks the bones and, in my case, left 30+ lesions throughout my body and was particularly devastating to my neck area where it ate up the C2 vertebra to the point of fracture. I have gone through neck radiation, major cervical fusion, 4-month long sessions of chemotherapy including two stem cell transplants. I am now in remission but go to treatment once a week. Your prayers and God’s grace (and an amazing group of family and friends) have sustained me through this difficult time. Please pray for recovery / improvement of my blood cells to enable continued treatment, the killing of myeloma cells at the molecular level, and improvement of my neck condition that I deal with daily. Please pray for my family that continues to support me.