September 20, 2015

The Sixth Commandment: You Shall Not Murder, Part One

Passage: Exodus 20:13
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The Sixth Commandment in the Decalogue simply states, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). This Commandment, consisting of just two words in its original Hebrew form, represents the first of four tersely stated prohibitions (the others forbidding adultery, stealing, and bearing false witness). However, as simple as these words are they are often misapplied. Perhaps you’ve memorized this Commandment as rendered in the King James Version–“Thou shalt not kill.” But the word “kill,” at least as we typically understand it, is not what is in view here. “Murder” is the better translation, and this refers to the unjustified taking of a human life.

Over the course of the next few Sundays we are going to explore this simple Commandment. As you might suspect, the implications and contemporary applications of this sacred Word are as numerous as they are convicting, and as close as today’s headlines. To better prepare for the introductory message on this Commandment look over the following passages from the Old Testament: Genesis 1:26-27; 4:8-11; 9:6; Exodus 21:12; Leviticus 24:17; Deuteronomy 27:24.

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