October 29, 2023

Beautiful Stones and Baffling Sign: Part 2

Passage: Luke 21:5-9
Service Type:
Last Sunday we began looking at what is known as ‘The Olivet Discourse.’  This is that final, long period of teaching which Jesus engaged in with the Disciples just before the Last Supper.  The term ‘Olivet’ signals the location of this episode, the Mount of Olives, just to the immediate east of the city of Jerusalem.  Each of the synoptic Gospels (Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21) include this discourse in their respective narratives, and each adds its own light to the whole event.
At the heart of this discourse is a warning about the coming destruction of Jerusalem (which did occur in the year 70 AD), and the climactic Second Coming of our Lord on the Last Day to judge the living and the dead.
As we continue our study of the Lord’s words this coming Sunday, we will focus our attention upon what He said in Luke 21:7-9.  There, the Disciples were told that two great categories of “signs” will precede His glorious return. First will be the appearance of many false messiah’s (v. 8).  Second will be the increasing frequency of wars and great disturbances in nature (v. 9).
Corresponding to these two types of “signs,” Jesus told the Disciples that there will be two great dangers for them, and for all those who believe in Christ.  First is the danger of being misled by the false messiahs (v. 8).  And second is the danger of becoming paralyzed by fear (v. 9).
The Lord’s Day we will seek to apply the words of our Savior to our own lives here and now as we continue to serve His Kingdom in these last days.