February 9, 2025

A River of Living Water

Passage: Ezekiel 47:1-12
Service Type:

As we gather in worship before our great Lord and King this Sunday, our sermon will come from Ezekiel 47:1-12.  In this section of Scripture, we find the prophet Ezekiel being led on a visionary tour of the new temple, located in the new Jerusalem, which is in the new land of promise.  In this remarkable vison, Ezekiel sees a very small trickle of water flowing from the temple.  Remarkably, and in apparent violation of all the laws of hydrodynamics, as the little and insignificant stream advances eastward, its depth and volume increases exponentially until it becomes a vast river much too wide to swim across.  What’s even more amazing is that this flow of water from the temple transforms the lifeless Dead Sea into a thriving ocean, filled with aquatic creatures (a fisherman’s paradise!) and lined with fruit-bearing trees on its shores.

Of course, we want to know what this vison meant to the captive Israelites living in bondage to the Babylonians.  But we also want to know why the Holy Spirit has preserved this ancient vision in the Scriptures for us today.  Surely there is a message for us as well!  This Lord’s Day we are going to get our feet wet as we ‘wade into the water’ with Ezekiel.  And along our way, we will encounter something amazing that will point us directly to our blessed Redeemer and Lord!