Mission Statement:
To develop structured opportunities geared specifically to senior ladies at Christ Presbyterian Church for spiritual and physical needs, fellowship, encouragement, and further reinforcement of God honoring relationships.
Who We Are
Senior Sisters is a group of ladies 50 older desirous of opportunities for fellowship and ministry and strengthening bonds of friendship.
Are you interested in receiving details about upcoming events and opportunities within the Senior Sisters Ministry? Please contact Kathy Hightower at kshightower93@gmail.com
to be added to our communication list. We do not distribute any contact information outside the group. Communications to the group are generally blind carbon copied except for group leadership or speaker/teacher of a specific event.
Leaders Contact Information
Kathy Cooper mandkcooper@gmail.com 256 603 7139
Kathy Hightower kshightower93@gmail.com 256 651 4005
Suellen Dempsey suellendempsey@yahoo.com 256 520 6051
Some of our previous events