This coming Lord’s Day we will take the second of our three looks at Hebrews 4:14-16. You will remember that the theme of this magnificent passage is ‘Jesus Our Great…
This coming Lord’s Day we will bring our study of the life of king David to a conclusion as we consider 2 Samuel 12:10-25. The story of David’s sin ends…
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Many years ago, as I was first getting into Reformed Theology, I was listening to The White Horse Inn, a Christian (and theologically…
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, If I were to ask you to choose your favorite passages in the Bible about God’s grace, which ones would you think of?…
One thing that all people everywhere have in common is the predisposition to cover up one’s mistakes and sins. There’s just something in all of us that seems to drive…
In the English Standard Version of the Bible, David’s name is mentioned 989 times. To put this in perspective, the name of Jesus is mentioned 1058 times. And just in…
On Sunday we will return to our long-term sermon series on the ‘Great Events in the History of Redemption.’ And more specifically, we will continue our study of the life…
As we learned last Lord’s Day, the story of David and Mephibosheth, found in 2 Samuel 9, is one of the most moving events in the life of Israel’s greatest…
This coming Lord’s Day we will continue following the story of David’s life and ministry to God as the king of Israel, the greatest of Israel’s kings, the ideal king!…
When I think about the subject of prayer, the second person from Scripture that mind my immediately rests upon is king David (the first being our Lord, and the Lord’s…