his coming Lord’s Day morning we are moving further down the road in our study of the ‘Great Events in the History of Redemption.’ And our next stop is the…
Over the last few weeks in our series of messages on the ‘Great Events in the History of Redemption,’ we have reacquainted ourselves with the (in)famous man named Samson. And…
When I say the name “Samson” what, or who, do you immediately think of next? Well, what automatically rolls of my tongue (and probably yours as well) is the name…
This coming Lord’s Day morning we will be considering (for the third time) the life and exploits of that most famous Biblical character named “Samson.” Our text will be Judges…
This coming Lord’s Day we will open the inspired Word of the Lord once again to the Book of Judges chapter 13, and to verses 2-7, and also verses 24-25.…
This coming Lord’s Day, as we continue on our walk through select sections of the book of Judges, we will arrive at the most famous of Israel’s judges, and one…
This coming Lord’s Day morning, as we continue our study of the major characters in the book of Judges, we will take our final look at the man named “Gideon.”…
This coming Sunday we will be resuming our sermons from the Book of Judges. You will remember that this study is part of our larger sermon series on the ‘Great…
I trust that by now you have all enjoyed a wonderful time of giving thanks for the bounty of spiritual and material blessings that we have been granted by our…
As we have been considering the life and times of Gideon, I’m sure we have all shared the experience of meeting ourselves in his story. As we discovered last Lord’s…