In Exodus 34, something most amazing happened to Moses and to the nation of Israel. You will remember that at Mount Sinai the Covenant people had fallen into idolatry with…
Perhaps you’ve had this experience. You are at your favorite restaurant, anticipating a scrumptious meal, your favorite of all. You order it. The 9-ounce filet mignon, medium-well, with baked potato…
This coming Lord’s Day we will begin looking at one of the most well-known characters in the Book of Judges, second only to Samson, and his name is “Gideon.” I’m…
Do you ever wonder why our heavenly Father doesn’t answer some of our prayers more quickly, and in the way that we hope and expect? Do you ever contemplate why…
Finally, this coming Lord’s Day we will resume our sermon series entitled ‘Great Events in the History of Redemption.’ We will pick up the unfolding story of salvation with the…
This coming Lord’s Day we will take one final look at the story of Joshua and the mighty fall of the walls of Jericho. Our text will be Joshua 6:20-27.…
Over the last few weeks we have been studying those events that immediately precede the most well known story in the Book of Joshua, the mighty fall of the walls…
Our sermon passage for this coming Lord’s Day is Joshua 6:1-7. In this portion of the chapter, the Lord promises Joshua and the Covenant people that He has given the…
This coming Lord’s Day we will get back into the Book of Joshua as we consider the strange event recorded in 5:13-15. Here is the inspired story of the surprising…
This Sunday begins what is commonly called ‘Holy Week.’ During the days leading up to Easter Sunday, we will join the Church through the ages in remembering and reflecting upon…