Our summer preaching series on ‘The Parables of Jesus’ will come to an end this Lord’s Day as we complete our look at ‘The Parable of the Good Samaritan’ in…
If I were to ask you to list five of our Lord’s parables, I believe that each of us would have at least two of them in common on our…
Not all of the parables of Jesus are easy to understand or apply. Some are readily interpreted and applied because Jesus Himself gives us the meaning. For example, the parable…
When we consider our Lord’s parable of the prodigal son, our attention is naturally confined to the prodigal himself, the younger son who left his home for a life of…
On Sunday we will open the Word of the Lord once again to that familiar and beloved parable of Jesus known as ‘The Parable of the Prodigal Son.’ Of course,…
Our study of the parables of our Lord Jesus continues this coming Sunday as we begin our investigation of what is, perhaps, the most beloved parable of all those stories…
As you know, the parables of Jesus are scattered through all four Gospels, with the bulk of them located in the ‘Synoptic Gospels’ (those that are similar, Matthew, Mark, and…
It has been said that in chapters 14 and 15 of Luke’s Gospel we discover the “unqualified offer of grace to sinners” as it is “set forth in all of…
This coming Sunday we will consider another one of our Lord’s parables that is recorded in Matthew. This parable is discovered in 18:23-35, and is typically referred to as ‘The…
In Matthew 13:44-46 we discover two very short parables of our Lord. They are unique to Matthew’s Gospel and should be read and studied together as there are striking similarities…