April 11, 2021

A Better Convenant, Part Three: The Blessings of the New Convenant

Passage: Hebrews 8:10-12
Service Type:

As we prepare our hearts for worship this coming Lord’s Day, let me encourage you to prayerfully read and meditate upon two closely related passages of Scripture.

The first is Jeremiah 31:27-34. This is the classic Old Testament text promising that God will one day bring about a “ new covenant.” And with the advent of this covenant, there will be blessings bestowed that are both unprecedented and unparalleled in their glory.

Then, look carefully at Hebrews 8:8-13 where the author of the Epistle quotes this Old Testament promise and tells us that it is Jesus our Lord who is the Mediator of this “ new covenant.”

The connection, then, becomes clear; the blessings that God has promised with this new covenant are to be experienced by faith in His Beloved Son!

As we walk though these two Biblical texts this Lord’s Day, we will discover that there are four amazing blessings for those who are in Christ Jesus. See if you can spot them as you ponder these inspired passages.

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