A Great King and A Great Fall: Part One
On Sunday we will return to our long-term sermon series on the ‘Great Events in the History of Redemption.’ And more specifically, we will continue our study of the life of king David, Israel’s greatest king.
Our text will be 2 Samuel 11:1-27. And here we encounter a very dark episode in David’s life and reign as Israel’s king.
Of course, I’m referring to his sin against Bathsheba, and the horrible aftermath that ensued and eventually bought ruin to David’s family and kingdom. And notice that I deliberately said ‘against’ Bathsheba and not ‘with’ her. As we will see, David’s sin is often referred to as adultery, and it surely was. But, as the facts of the situation will reveal, this sin was even more complex and heinous than that!
On Sunday, we will begin our investigation of this terrible episode in David’s life. And as we do, we will learn some very valuable lessons about our own lives as followers of Christ our Lord, especially those lessons concerning temptation and sin.