A Hole in the Roof and the Forgiveness of Sins
We’ve all heard the familiar adage, ‘Desperate times call for desperate measures.’
When there is an extreme need or problem before us, we often take extraordinary actions to address or alleviate it. We see this very thing played out dramatically in the earthly ministry of our Lord.
In Luke 5:17-26 we discover an inspired story about a paralyzed man and his loyal friends who desperately want to come into the presence of Jesus, fully assured that the Savior can and will perform a miracle of healing. But, as Luke explains, it proves to be no easy task to get close to Jesus. Undeterred, however, the friends of the paralyzed man take drastic measures and are successful in delivering their helpless comrade into the arms of the Savior.
But there is much more to this story than the eventual healing of the paralyzed man, as amazing as it surely was! There are three critical themes woven though the fabric of this miracle-story that we need to investigate: the nature of true saving faith, the Sovereign authority of Jesus, and the need for the forgiveness of sins.
As we take yet another step with Jesus, guided by Dr. Luke’s Gospel, we will learn some amazing things about the One we call our Lord and Savior!