February 2, 2025

A House Full of Glory

Passage: Ezekiel 43:1-5
Service Type:

Have you ever given some serious reflection as to why the ancient Israelites built a tabernacle in the wilderness, and then a temple for the Lord in Jerusalem?  Why were such special places needed, and how were these sacred spaces different from the temples and shrines that the pagan religious devotees constructed?

Well, as we turn once again to the prophet Ezekiel we will find the answers to these questions.  In Ezekiel 43:1-5, the prophet’s guided tour of a new, heavenly temple continues.  In these verses, the prophet has yet another overwhelming encounter with the Lord of Glory.  What he witnesses, as guided by the Holy Spirit, is not only beyond all comprehension, it is filled with truth that will point us in the direction of our Great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ!

On Sunday, we will continue to accompany Ezekiel on his tour of the new temple, the new city, and the new land that awaits all who belong to Jesus!