A Message for Colossae
If you were to make a list of some of the massive problems confronting the world, and especially those that are prevalent in 21st century American culture, it might contain some or all of the following:
Permissiveness in sexual morality.
The corruption of marriage and disintegration of the family.
Religious syncretism (the blending of religions and philosophies).
A fascination with the spirit-world and the occult.
But you may be surprised to discover that these are the very concerns that confronted the first believers in Jesus in the days of the Apostles! In fact, we can see each of these issues directly addressed by Paul in his letter to the Colossians.
This coming Lord’s Day we will begin our summer preaching series on the Epistle to the Colossians. Over the next three months we will examine Paul’s message to the believers in the now extinct city of Colossae (in modern day Turkey). This inspired letter is known for its exalted view of the Lord Jesus Christ, its call for Christians to make a decisive break with sin and their old ways of living, its warning concerning the danger of seduction by false teaching, and its summons to cultivate relationships that are healthy and God-honoring.
Our first sermon from Colossians will be an introduction to this letter. We will look closely at the setting and historical context of the letter, and the purpose for which Paul sent the epistle. As you prepare for Sunday’s worship, let me encourage you to read through the whole letter a couple of times, perhaps from two different translations. And if you would like to purchase a commentary to use as we make our way through the book, I have provided a link to a very good choice below.