April 3, 2022

An Unshakable Kingdom

Passage: Hebrews 22:26-29
Service Type:

This Lord’s Day, we will bring our series of messages from the Epistle to the Hebrews to a close for now as we consider the words of Hebrews 12:28-29. In this section of his letter, the author reminds us of the fact that all who are in Christ have received an unshakable kingdom! In radiant contrast to all the shadowy symbols and signs of the Old Covenant, those who have received Christ and the fullness of the New Covenant are the beneficiaries of those eternal blessings that are to be found and experienced in the “heavenly“Jerusalem, the “city of the living God”!

On Sunday, we will probe deeply into the beauty and majesty of this immovable kingdom. I hope that you can take some time over the weekend to meditate upon the words of Hebrews 12:28-13:18 in preparation for our worship and our message from the Scriptures.

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