Beginning at the End
Here at the start of another new year, we normally do what we do every year at this time. We reflect upon the twelve months that have just passed and we anticipate what is likely ahead in the coming fifty-two weeks. Sometimes this can be a rather uncomfortable thing to do, especially in light of the uncertainty regarding the future. However, every generation of believers in Christ has faced the same challenge when anticipating what is ahead. And if we take the Word of God seriously, then we know that we have been assured that both joys and sorrows await us in the new year.
The Word of God states the matter rather bluntly: “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty”–2 Timothy 3:1. Yet despite this rather unsettling assurance of future challenges and trouble, those who belong to Christ have always been a people of radiant hope and unflagging joy! And the reason for this is what Paul calls “the blessed hope,” which is “the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ”–Titus 2:13.
For two millennia, believers in the Lord have found their source of unassailable hope in the certainty that the Savior will come again! And as He promised (John 14:1-3), when He appears He will take us home to be with Him forever! And the place we are going with Him is heaven, or as Revelation 21:2 says, “the holy city, new Jerusalem”!
Now, what exactly is this place, this “new Jerusalem”? Where is it? How is it related to the present (old) city of Jerusalem? And what will it be like there?
Our answers to these questions are found in Revelation 21:1-27, and what is depicted here stretches human language past its breaking point! Here is a vision of our future! And what this passage presents is a stunning description of heaven itself! This is our destiny! Our final place of rest and peace! And this is what gives us joy and hope now, even as we face the uncertainties of 2017 and beyond!
On Sunday we will explore this amazing passage of Holy Scripture. And like generations of believers before us, we too shall discover the unshakable foundation for our eternal hope and joy! Let your heart and mind soak for a while in this wonderful portion of God’s Word, and pray that the Spirit of the Living God will comfort and teach us as we gather in worship before Him on the Lord’s Day.