Called, Beloved, and Kept
This coming Lord’s Day, we will begin exploring what we have called the ‘three-fold assurance of salvation’ that Jude has employed to sustain his readers for the spiritual battle that confronts every generation of Christians. In verse 1 of his epistle Jude assures us that if we have received the gift of salvation in Christ Jesus, we are among “those who are called, beloved in God and Father, and kept for Jesus Christ.”
Each of these terms reveal something wonderful about the nature of our salvation, and, when understood, each offers profound assurance that despite the intensity of the raging conflict we are engaged in, we are safe and secure in our gracious standing before God. On Sunday, our focus will be upon the fact that all who belong to Christ are “called.” As we will see, this is one of the richest terms in all of Scripture, stretching back all the way to Abraham and terminating magnificently in our Lord Jesus Himself.
As you prepare for Sunday worship, let me suggest that you take a moment to read 1 Peter 2:9-12 where you will find some help understanding Jude’s use of the word “called.” Note especially verse 9 where Peter (like Jude does) applies the Old Testament promises, originally made to Israel, to the Church.