Christ Jesus our Lord: Superior to the Angels!
For those men among us who have sons, one thing is universally true about us. We all love to brag about them!
Our hearts are often filled with fatherly pride at their accomplishments. It would seem that there is something inside us, an irresistible power, that compels us to tell others about what they have done. And I strongly suspect that wherever we might look in our world, among people of any nation or culture, we will find fathers speaking of their sons with broad smiles across their faces, beaming with joy.
In the Epistle to the Hebrews, we discover this very thing in chapter 1, but on an infinitely greater scale!
From verses 4-14, the author of the inspired letter quotes from seven Old Testament passages which record the words of God the Father as He speaks proudly of His Beloved Son. And each of the seven passages reveals to the world something about the Son which makes Him vastly superior to the angels and all the heavenly hosts!
This Lord’s Day we will close out our examination of Hebrews 1 by looking at the first four of these seven Old Testament passages (vv. 4-8). Here, we will encounter God the Father who joyfully says, in effect, ‘Let Me tell you about My Son!’
Let us all pray that we will be swept up in our Father’s own holy pride as He speaks of the One who is our beloved Lord, Redeemer, and Friend!