November 22, 2015

Convenant Affirmation

Passage: Exodus 24:1-11
Service Type:

On Sunday our sermon series will move us on to the next ‘Great Event In the History of Redemption.’ We find it in Exodus 24:1-11. This episode, which took place at Mount Sinai just after the giving of the Decalogue, has been called the “Old Testament Mount of Transfiguration,” and the greatest event “on all the pages of inspired history prior to the Divine Incarnation” (A. W. Pink, Gleanings In Exodus, 175).

The critical importance of this Old Covenant text could not possibly be overstated. And its significance for us as New Covenant believers is simply breathtaking. As you familiarize yourself with this amazing passage in preparation for Lord’s Day worship, let me encourage you to read Matthew 26:26-29 and Hebrews 9:1-10:25 as well. I think the ‘Covenantal connection’ will be very clear indeed!

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