June 2, 2024

Ezekiel and Jesus: See Our Savior in the Shadows

Passage: Ezekiel 3:22-23
Service Type:
Over the last several weeks, we have been studying the initial three chapters of the magnificent prophecy of Ezekiel.  We’ve been amazed at the stunning and often perplexing visons of God’s glory and power that the prophet has left us.  But I would also venture a guess that along our journey so far, you’ve seen some things that remind you of someone else.  And we should rather say, Someone else!
The fact is that as we examine this ancient prophecy, we are powerfully reminded of our Savior and Lord.  Hints and shadowy symbols of our incarnate King are everywhere to be found in this inspired word from the prophet!  I wonder, how many have you identified for yourself as you have studied these chapters?
This coming Lord’s Day, we are going to see how many of these ancient prophetic reminders of Jesus we can spot, for this is the ultimate purpose and design of Ezekiel’s message.  And as we pick them out, one by one, we will be filled with the same sense of awe and wonder as was the prophet himself so long ago!
Take a few moments this weekend to read Ezekiel chapters one through three once again, and give special attention to Ezekiel 3:22-23.