Faith Is…
This coming Lord’s Day we will resume our series of messages on the Epistle to the Hebrews. One of the most familiar chapters in the whole Bible is the eleventh chapter of this great book. Many of us know it as ‘The Roll Call of Faith,’ and this is a very appropriate title indeed!
As you know, it is in this chapter that we find a list of sixteen Old Testament figures (plus the Israelites who came out of Egypt with Moses, and the Old Testament prophets) who are intended to serve as examples of living faith in action. From their stories we see what true faith in Christ actually is and does.
On Sunday, we will begin our investigation of Hebrews 11 by first considering the words that close out chapter 10. In verse 39 we read:
“ But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls.”
Having sounded these words of both warning and comfort, the author then proceeds with his explanation and illustrations of saving faith with the words of 11:1, “ Now faith is. . . .”
Let’s fervently pray for the proclamation of God’s Holy Word!