Fishing with Jesus
In the midst of our busy lives, wouldn’t it be great just to hang a ‘Gone Fishing’ sign on the door of our homes or offices!
As I drive by the many small lakes that dot our neighborhood, I often see what is a most pleasant and compelling sight (and one that makes me very envious, I’m sad to confess!). There will be a grand-father there with his grand-children, fishing, or teaching them how to. There might be a group of little boys with their rods and reels and worms, hoping to catch a big one. Or I’ll see one solitary soul, sitting quietly in a chair, cane pole extended over the water, and the little red and white float bobbing up and down on the ripples. Just beholding such scenes provides me with a brief fraction of tranquility as I enjoy that moment with them vicariously.
Well, this Lord’s Day we will not only gather for worship and praise, but we will take a little fishing trip! But this expedition on the water will be unlike any we’ve ever seen, experienced, or even dreamed of! Something most unusual is going to occur. Something inexplicable! A truly life-changing event!
Our sermon text will be taken from Luke 5:1-11. It’s about fishing. But not the kind of fishing that one would normally engage in! We’ll be fishing with Jesus! And since He is our fishing Guide, we can expect the unexpected! We can anticipate that He will tell us something wonderful about Himself and His Kingdom, but also something important about being His disciples! I can’t wait for Sunday to come!