December 29, 2024

For Bruised Reeds

Passage: Isaiah 42:1-4
Service Type:

At this same time every year, I always think very hard about the final sermon that will be preached before the beginning of the new year.  For several weeks now, my heart has been drawn to the inspired words of the prophet Isaiah that are found in Isaiah 42:3

a bruised reed He will not break, and a faintly burning wick He will not quench.”

The One speaking is the Almighty Himself, “God the Lord” (v. 5). And He is describing the ministry and mission of the One who is called “My Servant” (v. 1).

Virtually every Old Testament expert who comments on this passage makes note of the tenderness and compassion that both flows from the Servant’s heart, and is to be beautifully, and perfectly, expressed in His mission.  Here, of course, is a prophecy of Jesus our Lord, who would come to seek and save the lost, those despised souls that are depicted as bruised reeds and smoldering wicks.

But there is yet another amazing message contained in this prophecy of our Savior’s love and tenderness. It is one that applies to those who already belong to Him by faith. Without spoiling the plot, let me just say that this message is very fitting for the ending of one year and the beginning of another!