God’s Covenant With David: Part One
This coming Sunday morning we will be returning to our series of messages on some of the ‘Great Events in the History of Salvation.’ And you will recall that in this series we have been considering several of the noteworthy events in the Bible’s storyline that link its central message concerning the way that God rescues and redeems sinners by His grace, mercy, and power. Once again we will be tracing the beautiful story of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ–a story and a plan that began in eternity past, and will flow into eternity future. It is a blessed story of the rescue of desperate sinners through the Beloved and Only-Begotten Son of God!
And as we have learned, the inspired record of this beautiful drama did not begin with the birth of our Savior in the manger, but in the very first book of the Bible! There (Genesis 3:15), God promised Adam and Eve that one of their descendants would come and destroy the works of Satan, and would redeem all who turn from their sins and place their faith in Him!
On Sunday, we will begin probing 2 Samuel 7, what has been called “one of the most important chapters in the Bible,” and a critical link in “the Bible’s storyline of salvation.” It is in this chapter that we will encounter God’s covenant made with king David. And this reminds us that the storyline of redemption is framed upon a series of covenants, or sacred agreements and promises, that God has made to us, which find their consummation in our Savior. This is why 2 Samuel 7 is regarded as a “constitutional text” not unlike our Declaration of Independence.
When we speak of ‘covenant theology,’ we are referring to the fact that God’s plan of salvation, the only one there is, has been progressively revealed through history, and specifically though the history of God’s Old Testament people, Israel. And this means that there is but one way that God has chosen to save us from our sins and from His wrath! And that beautiful plan is woven into the very fabric of God’s Word from beginning to end! The Bible is all about Jesus!