October 31, 2021

Great Faith and the Great Flood

Passage: Hebrews 11:7
Service Type:

Hebrews 11:7 introduces us to the third ‘hero of faith’ that is set before us in the Epistle. This man really needs no introduction. “ Noah” is a name we all immediately recognize and fondly remember.

Perhaps you remember him every time there is a big rainstorm (and the Flint River overflows here in Hampton Cove!), or when you witness the appearance of a beautiful rainbow in the clouds. We all know who Noah was and what he did.

But this one verse from Hebrews tells us something about him that might not so quickly come to mind, if at all. As the author indicates, “ By faith” Noah “ condemned the world” and then “ became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.” These are admittedly strange words. And perhaps more perplexing is how this man described in such terms serves an example for Christians to follow today.

On Sunday, we will get more familiar with Noah’s story. And this will take us first to Genesis 6:5-22. Let me encourage you to study this passage alongside of the words found in Hebrews 11:7. And then on the Lord’s Day we will open our Bibles and go back in time to the amazing days of this great man of faith, Noah.

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