April 8, 2018

How Not to Confess Your SIns

Passage: 1 Samuel 15:24-35
Service Type:

This coming Lord’s Day we are returning to the story that we have been tracking for a good while now—the account of the rise and fall of King Saul, Israel’s first king. And we are well on our way to an investigation of another of Israel’s kings, King David. But before we get to David’s amazing story, we need to wrap up things with Saul. And there is something most important for us to get a hold on before we go any further.

One of the great, and perhaps surprising, things that we have been discovering along the way is that the Old Testament has much to teach us about being faithful disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. And that is one of the reasons that we have been taking our time tracing some of the great events in the history of salvation as God’s wonderful plan of redemption beautifully unfolds on the pages of the ‘Older Testament.’ And seeing that the Old Covenant Scriptures eventually point us to our Savior, we should expect that we will also encounter some inspired examples that demonstrate to us what a faithful life of service to our Lord entails and demands. Just as we find the beauty and blessings of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ foreshadowed in the Old Testament, we also discover a foreshadowing of the life of a faithful disciple as well.

This week we will be looking very carefully at 1 Samuel 15:24-35, and our subject will be confession—confession of sin. What we will discover from the life of Saul is an important lesson for all Christian disciples—how not to confess our sins. It will help if you go back and read the entire fifteenth chapter once again, and when you do you will readily observe how Saul provides us with a negative example, but an example nonetheless. I look forward to exploring this passage with you as we come before our Lord and Savior in worship and in adoration this Sunday!

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