March 4, 2018

Israel Demands a King: Part One

Passage: 1 Samuel 8:1-9
Service Type:

his coming Lord’s Day morning we are moving further down the road in our study of the ‘Great Events in the History of Redemption.’ And our next stop is the book we know as I Samuel. It is, as you would expect, a book largely about the man whose name it bears, Samuel, the last of Israel’s judges.

The reason that this book is the next stop in our study is that I Samuel tells us about a most significant event in Biblical history and in the unfolding story of God’s plan of salvation. And that event is the establishment of the monarchy, or kingship, in Israel. This makes I Samuel, and especially chapter 8, one of the most important books in the Old Testament.

Now, if you are wondering about the ‘connection’ there is between this chapter and the larger plan of redemption which we are investigating, just ponder the subject of kingship, and how this theme finally (and gloriously!) culminates with the arrival of the greatest King of all—the One who bears the title “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 19:16).

Your weekend homework is to read I Samuel chapters 1-8, and give special attention to our sermon passage, 1 Samuel 8:1-9.

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