September 10, 2017

It Pays to Obey

Passage: Judges 2:6-23
Service Type:

Finally, this coming Lord’s Day we will resume our sermon series entitled ‘Great Events in the History of Redemption.’ We will pick up the unfolding story of salvation with the Book of Judges. You will likely remember that this Old Testament book is where we find that infamous and tragic description of the people of God who, at that time, had fallen far away from the Lord: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes”–Judges 17:6. From the pages of this ancient, inspired book we will learn many practical and contemporary lessons about serving the Lord and being faithful disciples of our Savior and King. In preparation for this week and the sermons that will follow, I would encourage you to read Judges 1:1-2:23. And if you have a study Bible, take some time to read over the introduction to Judges to help you better understand the book’s background and setting.

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