April 7, 2019

Learning to Pray With King David

Passage: 2 Samuel 7:18-29
Service Type:

When I think about the subject of prayer, the second person from Scripture that mind my immediately rests upon is king David (the first being our Lord, and the Lord’s Prayer). Of course, we have an inspired record of many of David’s prayers preserved for us in the Psalms. And any serious study of this subject will surely need to probe the immense depths of David’s prayerful reflections found there. In fact, we can (and even should!) pray David’s very words, knowing that the Spirit has inspired and preserved them in order to assist us in the formation of our own prayers to our Father in heaven.

In 2 Samuel 7:18-29 there is another recorded prayer of Israel’s greatest king. And it comes immediately after the Lord’s announcement, delivered through the prophet Nathan, that Yahweh would build an eternal house for David. The king’s prayerful response to this divine declaration of grace provides us with some amazing insights about prayer that will both inform and encourage each of us.

This coming Lord’s Day we will explore these inspired words together, and I encourage you to read and meditate upon this passage this weekend (as well as Psalm 89) in preparation for our worship.

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