December 8, 2019

Merry Christmas From the Prophets-Part Two

Passage: Isaiah 42:1-7
Service Type:

This coming Lord’s Day, the second Sunday of Advent 2019, we will once again turn to the prophet Isaiah for another Old Testament ‘Christmas card.’

Our sermon text will be Isaiah 42:1-4 where God the Father introduces One that He describes as “ My Servant” (v. 1).

This passage is the first of four such ‘Servant songs’ in the book of Isaiah, perhaps the most familiar of them being Isaiah 52:13-53:12 (a passage we particularly think of at Easter).

In this passage from chapter 42 we will consider the Servant’s description (v. 1), His mission (vv. 1, 3-4), and His character (vv. 2-4).

And then we will see how this very passage from Isaiah 42 is interpreted by the Apostles, and linked directly to our Lord Jesus in the New Testament (see Matthew 3:13-17; 12:15-21; 17:1-8).

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