September 18, 2022

Now What? Part Two

Passage: Jude 1:20-23
Service Type:

Now what?

This is the subject of Jude’s inspired Epistle as we approach the conclusion of his brief letter to a Church that was being harassed and troubled by false teachers. As we learned last Sunday, the Lord’s half-brother provides four pastoral exhortations to his people in Jude 1:21-22. We have identified them as:

Constantly build up the Church (one another) in the Christian faith

Faithfully pray in the Holy Spirit

Abide in the love of God

Wait for the mercy of Jesus

Having examined the first of these last week, this coming Lord’s Day we will consider the other three points of instruction and encouragement.

Our final message from Jude will be on September 25 (we will look at verses 24-25). Then, beginning on October 2, the Lord willing we will commence a study of the Gospel of Luke. I’ve entitled this sermon series ‘On the Move With Jesus Through the Gospel of Luke.’ We will focus upon our Lord’s public ministry as outlined in Luke, chapters 4 through 23. Let me encourage you to begin reading Luke as we prepare to take this journey with our Savior.

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