February 14, 2016

Rahab and the Spies! Part One

Passage: Joshua 2:1-24
Service Type:

In Joshua 2, we discover the remarkable story of a conversion. We meet up with one who can only be described as a common prostitute—a woman name “Rahab,” who operated a brothel from her own home in the walled city of Jericho. By the providential working of Israel’s God she meets up with two spies sent into Jericho by Joshua, the God-appointed ‘general’ of the army of the Lord. What follows is simply amazing! You can read it for yourself in Joshua 2:1-24.

Embedded in this story of the salvation of Rahab and her family, and the eventual judgment and destruction of Jericho, are some beautiful and surprising components of the ‘Grand Story of Redemption’ we are currently investigating together on Sunday mornings. Among them are:

God’s unconditional, elective mercies for undeserving sinners,

Salvation for the Gentiles, in fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant,

The power and efficacy of the Word of Yahweh,

The Lord’s delight in saving families,

The blessed fruit of saving faith,

And the mighty, historic deeds of the Lord that bring both conviction and terror, and foreshadow the ministry of the Incarnate Savior.

But then, there is that lie that Rahab strategically deploys against the wicked king of Jericho (2:4-6), an act of wartime deception that ensured the safety of the Israelite spies and the completion of their divine mission. What shall we think about this?

There is much to discover here as we probe this inspired story! Take some time to read the whole chapter, and then pray that as we explore it together over the next couple of weeks the Lord will build His Church and glorify His Name among us!

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