Salvation at the Sea: Part 1
One of the episodes from the Old Testament that is universally known and loved is the account of the parting of the Red Sea and the miraculous deliverance of the Covenant people from Pharaoh (Exodus 14:13-31). But just before that spectacular display of the Lord’s sovereign power, Moses spoke inspired words of assurance to his people that are recorded in Exodus 14:13-14. He promised that the Great “I AM” would “fight” for them and save them from their enemies while they remained “silent” (v. 14). Of course, Moses’ words proved to be true, and ultimately the Egyptian army met its end in the middle of the sea while God’s people safely marched across on dry ground. On Sunday we will consider this amazing story of salvation and how it foreshadows the deliverance we, the New Covenant people, have received in Christ Jesus our Lord. If you have time, it would be very helpful for you to read from Exodus 7:1 to 14:31 to better understand the context of this major event in the history of redemption.