April 26, 2015

Salvation at the Sea: Part 2

Passage: Exodus 14:13-31
Service Type:

This Lord’s Day our sermon will come from Exodus 14:13-31. As we continue our trek through some of the ‘Great Events in the History of Redemption,’ we find ourselves at the Red Sea. Just the mere mention of this place awakens images of a mighty act of salvation accomplished by God on behalf of His Covenant people. At this place, the Lord fought for the people whom He loved (14:14) while they did nothing but trust and watch (14:13). And at the conclusion of this monumental episode, all of Pharaoh’s elite troops were dead (14:30), and the people of Yahweh were safely on the other side, having walked across the sea floor on “dry land” (14:16, 21, 29). Then, the people Israel “feared the LORD” and “believed in the LORD and in His servant Moses” (14:31).

What is most remarkable, however, is that this very scene of salvation and judgment points forward to another “Red Sea” moment in time, but one that is much, much greater! There is a bigger sea to cross, a greater Moses, and a more magnificent deliverance for all who believe!

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