The Anchor of the Soul
In Hebrews 6:19-20 we discover a simple, yet very powerful image that is designed to convey to us the certainty of our salvation in Christ our Lord.
As you remember, the author of this epistle is seeking to provide comfort and assurance to his readers who are being buffeted and afflicted by various pressures coming against them. These forces include persecution, temptation, and the defection of some among them who had previously professed faith in Christ, yet had turned away from Him. And doubtless, some of the faithful among them, if not many, had been suffering through serious doubts about their own salvation.
Into this tumultuous scene, the inspired author of Hebrews inserts an ancient symbol of certainty and security in order to teach them about the unfailing nature of the salvation they had received in Christ. It is a simple nautical term, one that already had a rich history of use as an emblem of stability. He speaks of “ a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul” (v. 19). An “ anchor”!
This coming Lord’s Day, we will consider this wonderful symbol of the Christian faith, and how we may draw encouragement from it as we follow our Lord today.