September 5, 2021

The Church and Her Enemies: Part Two

Passage: Romans 12:18-21
Service Type:

This Lord’s Day we will take our sermon from the words of Romans 12:18-20. Following last week’s message (dealing with our response as believers to persecution from the enemies of the Gospel, vv. 14-17), I have sensed very strongly a need to add one more message to our series on this great twelfth chapter of Romans.

On Sunday I will try to deal with some of the practical questions we have that develop from Paul’s instructions. For example, is it ever justified for Christians to resist persecution, even to the point of using force against our adversaries? Are Christians allowed to arm themselves and, if so, when may deadly force be employed? Are believers permitted to defend their families, homes, and property? And what about our duty to protect others in our family, Church, an community?

Then, the Lord willing, on September 12 I will finish out our summer series with a look at Romans 12:18 and our duty to live peaceably in the world.

I really appreciate your prayers, especially for this Sunday’s message as we try to faithfully apply God’s inspired Word to some very complicated issues.

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