February 16, 2025

The City of God

Passage: Ezekiel 48:30-35
Service Type:

This Sunday we will complete our studies in the Book of Ezekiel.  The sermon text will be taken from Ezekiel 48:30-35.  In this final section of the prophecy, Ezekiel gives us a short description of the new heavenly city of Jerusalem, the city of God.  However, the name of this city has been changed from “Jerusalem” to “The LORD is there” (v. 35).

What the prophet has envisioned here is the final dwelling place for all of God’s redeemed people, the place we know as “heaven.”  This is confirmed when we examine John’s use of this same vision in Revelation 21:10-22:15 (be sure to look carefully at this passage before Sunday).

If you have ever wondered what heaven is like, then both Ezekiel and John will shed much light on the answer.  Amazingly, the place that our Lord has prepared for us (John 14:1-4) can be described by the combined images of a new people, a new temple, a new city, and a new land!