The Commander of the Storm and the Sea
I once read of a professional airline pilot who was asked what it’s really like to fly the friendly skies for a living. He replied that being a pilot is to experience very long periods of boredom, occasionally interrupted by moments of sheer terror! I appreciate such honesty!!
I would suspect that if you asked the four Disciples of Jesus whom we know were professional fishermen (Andrew, Peter, James, and John), they would tell you much the same thing about their line of work as well. Lots of boredom and just rocking along with the gentle waves, and moments of absolute terror!
We read of such a moment of sheer dread and panic on the water in Luke 8:22-25.
Here we find the beloved story of our Savior who brings calm to the turbulent sea that is sure to take the Twelve disciples to their watery grave. You’re likely most familiar with Mark’s account of this same miracle, and the memorable words of Jesus recorded in Mark 4:39, “Peace, be still.”
As we continue our journey through the Gospel of Luke this coming Lord’s Day, we will go on a little boat ride with Jesus and the Disciples. And let me warn you, it will get bumpy along the way! But. . .there is a most amazing ending awaiting us!
As we examine this miracle on the water, we will learn a lot about our Lord and Savior, and we will also discover wonderful truths about our life together as the Body of Christ.