The Elder and the Elect Lady, and the Truth
On Sunday we will continue our new sermon series on the Epistle of 2 John. And our text for the message will come from 2 John 1:1-2. As you read this brief passage you will immediately note the connection between “love” and “truth” that John makes explicit. Obviously, these are two of the more important terms in the Christian faith. Yet, they often go misunderstood and misapplied.
Not all definitions of ‘love’ or ‘truth’ are valid, especially in light of the way Scripture deploys and utilizes these words. As you can see in these verses, they go together. They are in what we might call a symbiotic relationship. One viewed in isolation from the other leads to a distortion of both. And furthermore, in the Bible both “love” and “truth” are defined properly only in reference to God, and especially to His work of redemption accomplished in and by His Beloved Son. That is, neither “love” nor “truth” are abstract ideas or concepts. Both find their identity, source, supply, and motivation in our Triune God, who has loved us despite our sins and redeemed us by the blood of the Incarnate Son.
With that said, we must understand these blessed graces in a distinctive way as guided by Scripture. This Sunday with John’s help we will probe the uniqueness and beauty of “love” and “truth,” and we will ask the Lord to show us how each has been marvelously embodied in our Redeemer and King.